Find Out All You Need to Know About Texas 2K (TX2K)
It is no secret that Texas 2K is a well-known event in the automotive industry, but are you curious about how it all got started? We caught up with the event owner, Peter Blach, to discuss how his hobby turned into his livelihood.
TX2K has been broadly bringing together gearheads for almost 20 years during a 4-day adrenaline-filled event full of metal, motors, and street racing. From roll racing to drag racing to a car show and family event, Peter Blach talks about how his event started and has evolved over the last 20 years.
Unbeknownst to Peter Blach, what started in 2000 as pizza, street racing, and a mutual love for motorsports between 40-50 friends now draws a crowd of nearly 30,000 people and is nationally renowned as a premier streetcar automotive event. You won't want to miss what he says about how his college car, the Toyota Supra, inspired his vision of creating a community of support and like-minded car enthusiasts that would carry for the next 20 years.